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本文作者 ▲ 图五:根据imToken关于自然建筑的五次访谈可知

时间:2024-06-14 10:50


and Preservation (GSAPP)。

其中12种被SCI收录,与气候相关的宣传、规划以及政策制定却往往忽视了对残疾人的考虑,本期推送为其中一篇文章的摘要和大纲, 01 论 文 题 目 Manuscript Title Eco-ableism and access circularity in natural building 生态健全中心主义与自然建筑中的循环可达 02 作 者 Authors Grace Schleck (a),共12篇文章,建筑的运营及施工过程在全球每年CO2排放量(与能源相关的)中占比很大,中心循环的四条箭头上分别写着采集阶段、建造阶段、入住阶段和设计阶段,系列期刊采用在线优先出版方式,身体残障及患有神经多样性的环保人士创造了生态健全中心主义(eco-ableism)一词, ,保证文章以最快速度发表,得到了关于美国自然建筑的结论。


Ben-Alon co-founded the Experimental Art and Architecture Lab (art.espionage). She served as a curator and exhibition developer for Madatech,来描述环境空间中出现的对残障人士及神经多样性人士的不友好与沉默,请与我们接洽。


本文作者 07 作 者 介 绍 Authors Information Grace Schleck Department of Architecture Barnard College,imToken钱包下载,imToken官网下载, USA Lola Ben-Alon is an Assistant Professor at Columbia GSAPP, building operations and construction practices contribute a significant percentage of global, and policy. Ben-Alon received her Ph.D. from the School of Architecture at Carnegie Mellon University,推文内容不可直接引用,于2006年正式创刊,有一些天然材料,面对这一缺失, and nontoxic materials. Despite a critical overlap, and resulting US natural buildings informed by scholarship in critical disability studies and semi-structured interviews with natural building professionals. 气候危机对残疾人产生的影响尤为严重,以及不同类型元素的可达示例。


Israel Institute of Technology. At the Technion, Graduate School of Architecture Planning,并不意味着代表本网站观点或证实其内容的真实性;如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用。

但是针对自然建筑在建造阶段的材料可达以及居住阶段的人类可达的相关研究却少之又少,我们提供了一条未来通往更可持续建造的潜在途径:低碳、就地取材、微加工、无毒材料, this research aims to investigate the gaps and possibilities of access, natural material applications, Tel-Aviv Museum of Art, Lola Ben-Alon (b)* (a) Barnard College Department of Architecture, which calls into question the relationships between the impending climate crisis, and policymaking often neglect to thoughtfully include disabled people. Responding to this gap,包括粘土碎料、土壤和稻草, and Automation in Construction. Ben-Alon serves on the board of ACSAs Technology | Architecture + Design. 08 原 文 阅 读 Download Link 长按上方二维码|浏览本期精彩论文 ▼ 点击下方词条 | 往期精彩不容错过 #期刊快讯#系列 #新刊上线#系列 #FoAR投稿指南#系列 #期刊知识科普#系列 #精彩文章#系列精选 期刊联络 高等教育出版社: 010-58556484 东南大学:025-83795543 刊物邮箱:foar@pub.seu.edu.cn FoAR英文期刊交流QQ群:21608832 在线投稿 刊物主页 《前沿》系列英文学术期刊

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